Announcing release #5: Security Exception Program Pack 1.0
The goal of this release is to provide all the necessary resources to establish and set up a fully functioning security exceptions program at your company.
- Robert Auger (@robertauger)
In this pack, we cover:
Security Exception Definitions: This document describes common terminology used in an exceptions process, outlines definitions for the various stakeholders participating in the process, as well as provides a stakeholder approval table for decision making.
Security Exception Reporting Requirements: This document describes the minimal information needed in a vulnerability report to support evaluation and prioritization. It also includes examples of automation that can be used to report vulnerability remediation expectations to risk owners.
Vulnerability Program Preparation Checklist: This checklist provides a step-by-step guide to researching, piloting, testing, and rolling out security exception tracking at your company. It also discusses examples of automation for tracking exception ticket health and oversight.
Vulnerability Management Process Diagram: This diagram outlines the various steps to perform when security exceptions need to be filed, have entered the review queue, and reporting and health automation runs.
Vulnerability Management Runbooks: This document outlines a set of standard procedures for handling a security exception. This outlines steps for the Risk Owner, Risk Approver, and supporting security staff (subject matter experts) to facilitate consistent approachs for handling/supporting exception requests.
Security Exception document template and tracker: The security exception template can be used in a word document for capturing exception details, and the Exception tracker can be used when a bug tracker is not used.
Security Exception Metrics: This document outlines common, baseline metrics for managing security exceptions at your company.
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