Hacker cracks TinyURL rival, redirects millions of Twitter users
"A URL-shortening service that condenses long Web addresses for use on micro-blogging sites like Twitter was hacked over the weekend, sending millions of users to an unintended destination, a security researcher said today.
After Cligs, a rival to the better known TinyURL and bit.ly shortening services, was attacked Sunday, more than 2.2 million Web addresses were redirected to Kevin Saban's blog, which appears on the Orange County Register's Web site. Noticing a dramatic upswing in traffic, Saban -- who uses Cligs in his Twitter messages to shorten URLs -- contacted Pierre Far, the creator of Cligs."
Read more: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9134440
SCMagazine Coverage: http://www.scmagazineus.com/URL-shortening-site-hacked-to-redirect-millions-of-links/article/138578/
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