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Off Topic: Hackers claim break-in to Palin's e-mail account

While this is off topic for this site I do find it amusing :)

"Hackers broke into the Yahoo! e-mail account that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin used for official business as Alaska's governor, revealing as evidence a few inconsequential personal messages she has received since John McCain selected her as his running mate.

"This is a shocking invasion of the governor's privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these e-mails will destroy them," the McCain campaign said in a statement.

The Secret Service contacted The Associated Press on Wednesday and asked for copies of the leaked e-mails, which circulated widely on the Internet. The AP did not comply."

Wikileaks URL: http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Sarah_Palin_Yahoo_account_2008
Read more at the AP: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iem-vu_mlRjRYfqkscEkw2ciRm7wD938N1JO0


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