Microsoft, Hacker Attack XSS
e85@gma quotes "Microsoft, Hacker Attack XSS JANUARY 22, 2007 | 5:30 PM -- It's an unlikely alliance, for sure. But a Microsoft engineer and RSnake, the founder of ha.ckers. org d -- which have brought attention to the epidemic of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in major Websites -- have begun informally swapping research and ideas on stemming XSS attacks. (See Hackers Reveal Vulnerable Websites .)
RSnake says David Ross, a Microsoft engineer specializing in browser and Web application security, pinged him after reading RSnake's recent blogs on the XSS flaw in Adobe Acrobat Reader and XSS worm research. He's sharing with RSnake some anti-XSS and browser-base d exploit research of his own. "
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