- Amit Klein
- Sverre H. Huseby
- Amit Klein
- David A. Wheeler
- SanctumInc
- SanctumInc
- Corsaire
- Corsaire
- Corsaire
- Impervia
- Sanctuminc
- Ryan C. Barnett
- par Yann Berthier
- Dustin William Lee
- Ulf Harnhammar
- Microsoft
- Daniel Goscomb/
- David A. Wheeler
- David Litchfield
- Jeremiah Grossman
- Rohit Khare and Adam Rifkin
- William Bellamy Jr.
NOTE: This paper has been posted for its information base only, and we in no
way promote or support the products mentioned within.
- Eran Reshef
- Meta Security Group
- Eran Reshef
- Paul Heely
- Jordan Dimov
- Thomas Oertli
- Gunther Birznieks
- Patrice Neff
- Zishuang (Eileen) Ye, Sean Smith
- OWASP (UPDATED SEP 22nd 2002)
- Amit Klein, Izhar Bar-Gad/
- Amit Klein/
- Ory Segal/
Note: This paper has been posted for its information base only, and we in no
way promote or support the products mentioned within.
- Nicholas Weaver/U.C. Berkeley BRASS Group
- David Litchfield/
- Miles Tracy, Wayne Jansen, Mark Mcllarnon, NIST
- Obscure EyeonSecurity
- Michal Zalewski/Bindview
- Haroon Meer Sensepost
- Sasha Romanosky
- Jason Refail CERT Coordination Center
- Ger Mulcahy
- David Litchfield
- Spidynamics
- Razvan Peteanu
- Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford, O'Reilly & Associates, 1997.
- Advosys Consulting
- Advosys Consulting
- Advosys Consulting
"A reprint of reminisces from the Blackhat Briefings Asia 2001"
- Shaun Clowes, SecureReality
- O'Reilly & Associates
- John Viega
- van Hauser / THC
- Jose Nazario, Jeremy Anderson, Rick Wash, and Chris Connelly
- Joehen Topf
- David Endler iDefense
- Roelof Temmingh / Haroon Meer , SensePost
- pentest
- pentest
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