Apache Security

Apache documentation
Apache Security tips (1.3) (2.0) (2.2)
suEXEC Support

Download Apache:
Main mirror download page

How to Chroot apache:
Apache chroot mini HOWTO (Note: not in english but provides commands that can be used) (HTML)
Chrooting Apache2 howto, October 14th, 2003 (HTML)

Securing Apache: Step By Step, SANS GIAC - GCUX Practical Assignment (HTML) (ZIP)
Apache security advisories
Apache Security from A-Z, Lincoln Stein
Apache Security Configuration Document
Basic Apache Security Considerations, John Grotevant (PDF)
Security and Apache: An Essential Primer, Maxwell's Demon and Hat Colour
Apache Security Secrets: Revealed (PDF)
WU-FTPD and Apache Security Basics (PDF)
How to 'chroot' an Apache tree with Linux and Solaris
Using Apache with suexec on Linux
Installing and Securing the Apache Webserver with SSL
How to Use NDS eDirectory to Secure Apache Web Server for Netware, (PDF)
Securing Apache: Understanding and securing your Apache web server configuration (PDF)

Security holes... Who cares? (PDF)
A detailed write up of the slapper worm.

Securing Apache: Step-by-Step, May 14, 2003
This is a very good article I highly suggest.

This is a apache plugin that will give you extra security. If you are looking for a good free solution then this is for you.

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