AJAX: Selecting the Framework that Fits

DDJ has released an article covering the following AJAX frameworks. * Dojo 0.3.1 (dojotoolkit.org). * Prototype and Scriptaculous 1.4 (www.prototypejs.org and script.aculo.us). * Direct Web Reporting 1.0 (getahead.org/dwr). * Yahoo! User Interface Library 0.11.1 (developer.yahoo.com/yui). * Google Web Toolkit 1.0 (code.google.com/webtoolkit). If you're using AJAX or are considering it, check it out....

A black market for search terms and user interests?

<thinking-out-loud> Google has recently added search history and this got me thinking about how this information could be useful. Currently gmail is linked to all of google and if you search for something while logged into google and have search history turned on, it gets recorded. Now you have data on what...
Looking for something else or having a hard time finding a story? We recently moved things around so please use the search bar on the right!